Spice Farm Tour

Spice Farm Tour

A Visit To the Villa Vanilla Rainforest Spice Farm Could Be One of Your Most Memorable Experiences in Costa Rica.  Villa Vanilla Spice Plantation is a good example of an all sustainable organic spice farm here in Costa Rica.  It is certified organic and biodynamic and one will find a variety of spices and essential oil plants, including vanilla, cocoa, and ceylon (true) cinnamon grown on the farm.  This outstanding tour explains the spices’ origins, their ancient history and their now traditional uses, as well as touch, smell and taste aromatic spices, medicinal and essential oil plants in the field.  The tour consists of a gentle walk along the plantation’s Epiphyte (air plant) and Rock Garden Trail.   The “Flavors of the World” tasting menu features the world’s three favorite flavors – vanilla, chocolate and ceylon cinnamon -, among other spices, there are also seasonal tropical fruits at the Rainforest Viewpoint where visitors enjoy an assortment of gourmet spice treats all grown on the plantation and prepared by the staff’s pastry chef.   If you’re a foodie, enjoy either making or tasting food-this tour is a great choice for you.  For more information, contact surfinnhermosa@yahoo.com

Discovery Horseback Tour

Discovery Horseback Tour

Discover the beauty of Costa Rica by horseback riding thru a private 1500 acre La Quina Reserve and Farm located 10 minutes south of Surf Inn Hermosa in the village of Mata De Platano.  British husband and wife team Chris and Andrea Wady have put together tours that have been selected by Trip Advsior for the “Certificate for Excellence” in 2011.  They customize tours and offer the best of both worlds:  whether it is a Jungle Spa Adventure by Horseback or a Tropical Beach Ride, Discovery Horseback Tours can put together a ride beyond compare.  They also offer an incredible Honeymoon Rainforest Spa Horseback Tour to a secret waterfall where a couple can have the privacy to luxuriate in spring fed pools.  This is an incredible treat.  For more information, contact surfinnhermosa@yahoo.com.